What is self-care?

Self-care has become a popular term used to sell products or promote a lifestyle that while some may feel is ideal is ultimately unattainable for the vast majority of us.  However, what self-care ultimately is taking the time to CARE for YOU and prioritize meeting your own needs in a world where we often receive messages and pressure to put our needs on the back burner. Self-care and how we engage in it is unique for us all, as we all have different ways of filling our cup and replenishing our energy. While the many challenges of life often make finding time for self care difficult, and the responsibilities we have make finding time for ourselves hard we cannot pour from an empty cup. Just as airlines ask us to secure our own airbag before helping others we also need to find ways to care for ourselves in order to give to others.   Self-Care can be expensive, but it can also be free. Bellow are some ideas that may help you to begin to find ways of engaging in self-care that work for you.

Self Care Ideas

  • Taking a moment to breath slowly or mediate

  • Spending time talking to friends and connecting with others

  • Setting and holding boundaries with the people in your life

  • Making sure you drink water every day.

  • Using food to nourish your body by eating healthy

  • Listening to music you enjoy (and singing loudly if you’re so inclined)

  • Spending time in nature

  • Moving your body in ways that feel good (Dance, Weightlifting, Walking, Running, Pilates, any exercise that feels good)

  • Setting your own goals and prioritizes

  • Journaling

  • Making sleep as well as time for rest a priority

  • Finding time to read

  • Taking a long shower with ambiance you like ( i.e no lights, good music, a candle or shower steamer)

  • Taking time to enjoy your skin care/hygiene maintenance routines

  • Cleaning you home

  • Express yourself artistically (paint, draw, color, crochet, knit, sculpt, build Legos)

  • Find time to play (board games, video games, tag, charades, whatever brings you joy and energy)

  • Make time for the people and activities that bring laughter, joy and energy to your life.

  • Take time to explore what you need across areas of your life (mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social areas) and develop a balanced routine that involves meeting needs in all these areas that is unique to you